One more paper to go n thats it,i m done for semester number four. But wait...How do i feel? That i will write about on thursday? Last weekend i was so excited for monday to come so that i can finish the first two paper fast n move nearer to thursday. But i was not excited when i finished my second paper on monday, i feel nothing just blank. Its as if it doesnt matter anymore. I had some thoughts at that moment, i was thinking how will my life be in my future? How is it going to b like when i start the business dgree? What will happen when i graduate? What will i do? Those thoughts flooded my mind for a moment... Thats not the feeling i expect to had after finishing two papers, i should be happy n excited n relieved n blablabla, u know the usual ezen! But this time its different, i wonder why? I really dun know why suddenly those thoughts hit me! hit ezen u know, the usual ezen wont think of these thing, its just i wil live my life now, who cares wat happen in the future? But dis year suddenly the future hit me,y? Mayb thats sumthing to hit me n make me think of the future not the present only! Its like whoahh... Mayb thats just some process to make me more mature..heehee
After that moment, i am back to my normal self, i am happy n a lil relieved that there is only one more paper to go,but stil not dat excited as i was before! i hope that i will b as excited as i was on thursday! I didnt EAT before i finish my exams,dats so unbelivable, so after that i went to visit joanne beckham n had lunch with her, n of course discuss about the "patience" for thursday..hehe..I stil cannot make up my mind yet!
Nowadays, i realise i will think very hard before i make a decision! think of the consequences n all. That is good i know,but thats a very different me, yes i do think last time but i wont think so hard like i do now. Mayb its because i've learnt my lesson from a super duper bad experience! Its so unexpected!Its like will be more careful the next time! But i m happy that i know the truth now,n i can let go and just leave evrything behind! i m very proud of myself for that. hehe...
Its one sumthing am,lets talk about yesterday dats tuesday, the weather damm hot. Even at nite its so warm, omg whats happening?I hope tpg is not like this! I cannot even sit in the couch n watch tv peacefully,cause its so warm n i was sweating n sweating! Even the fan's speed is the high its still so warm, the wind is hot the air is hot!!! but luckily there is sumthing called air-con in this world. Without it i think i die of extreme-hotness! I went swiming cause its so hot, but after swiming, its even hotter right after i shower i was all sweating d. Can u ppl imagine how how is the weather? N even after i showered, the smell of the clorine still stays,imagine how much clorine those ppl put inside the pool. omg, the smell is so unbearable! ok ppl just ignore my complains...gotta go or i will complain more n make this shitter!
bubye ppl...
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